Sales Growth Strategist
Driving Revenue Increases for Entrepreneurs and Sales Executives
Years of Experience
People Trained
Number of Nationalities Trained
India, US, UK, Russia, China, Germany, Poland, France, Croatia, Romania, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Canada, Netherlands, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Srilanka, Sudan, Nepal, Tunisia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Oman, Maldives, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia , Philippines, Slovenia, Austria, Turkey, Belgium, UAE, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Lithuania, Sweden, Estonia, Zimbabwe, Cyprus, Italy, Belarus

Certified MahAcharya Trainer : High impact, High value
Train the Trainer course by Prof Ranga and Meena Certified
“Train the Trainer” of T.Harv Eker’s Signature TTT Program
Certified in Advanced Training of Train the Trainer by BNI India

Certified in “SPIN Selling “ by Huthwaite Singapore
Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy
Sales Mastery Program by Blair Singer
Member of International Association of Facilitators
Latest Book
108 Sales Questions
As an author, it took me over 2 years of thinking and hundreds of hours of effort to write my new book. While the actual writing wasn't as extensive, the true joy comes from the impact it creates. I'm excited to make a positive impact on entrepreneurs and sales executives through my work. If you've read my book, I'd love to hear your feedback. And if you enjoyed it, please consider referring it to an entrepreneur.
Anybody Can Sell
How are some people able to sell almost anything while many others are struggling to sell a single product?
Most people believe selling is very tough. Sales is easy when you understand the fundamentals. Actually, everybody in this world is a salesperson. Every single day we are selling to each other.
Sales for Startups
Many entrepreneurs fail to understand that sales, as a skill, is not just to acquire paying customers but is also a pivotal skill in attracting employees, investors, partners, etc. Sales for Startups will help startup founders and to-be entrepreneurs master sales as a skill and help them with simple but powerful strategies that are easy to implement.
Don’t Spend Money for Generating Leads
This book talks about 14 different ways to generate leads without spending any money. In my 10 years as an Entrepreneur, I have used all these 14 ways to generate leads for myself. All these principles will be directly useful for Entrepreneurs and Sales executives who are in B2B segment. You don’t need to follow all 14 ways to generate leads, you can choose ways which align to your natural strengths.
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